​Community art: from viewers to makers.

10.12.2017 kl. 13:32
After a couple of years of Klockriketeatern's community art project Kätketty Vuosaari, we want to discuss and share tools with our colleagues about community engaged art.
Place: Globe art point, Malminkatu 5.
Time: 11.12. at 14.30–18.30

Our guest for the discussion and workshop is Ditte Bjerg from danish research-based Global Stories which examines sociological and political issues by using perfomative and interactional strategies.

We address questions like how to reach and engage communities from viewers to makers? How can we work in a sustaInable way? And ultimately how to foster diversity in the field of community arts?

To participate in the discussion, please confirm and send a short description of your project with a few main challenges (or questions you would like to discuss) in your work by the 5th of December to julia.h.k.hovi@gmail.com.

Read more about: 
Kätketty Vuosaari http://www.klockrike.fi/fi/tuotannot/katketty_vuosaari/
Global Stories http://globalstories.net/

The schedule of the day will be presented later as it will depend on the number of participants.